
No Deal with Islamic Regime of Iran

Dear honorable Mr/Mrs We are writing to you today on behalf of an extremely high majority of Iranian American community here in United State. When looking back to history in the past 100 years there has been many different systems of governments around the world which were formed and  organized to oppress a group of people in order to annihilate a race, religion or even a class of people to create a new order to benefit a few so-called revolutionaries. The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of them. This system of government was  formed in 1979 not to grant civil liberties to the masses or improve the lives of impoverished people but it was formed to spread and expand the ill-fated ideologies of a handful of clergies with antiquated ideologies who used the sacred name of Islam for their evil plans  of world domination and then  extermination. Since 1979 these so-called revolutionaries not only murdered and executed their founding fathers and cronies, but they have direc...

سر تیتر تویت ها اخراج سفرای جمهوری اسلامی ایران

# دادخواهي ‬  م   براي٤٢سال از   سينماركس    #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ اعدام   امراي   ارتش  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ كشتار   بهاييان  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ كشتارقارنا  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ كشتارتركمن   صحرا  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ كشتار   ٦٧  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ تير٧٨  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ خرداد   ٨٨  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ دي   ٩٦  #RaisiTerrorist ⁦‪#SackIR_Ambassadors‬ سانچي  #RaisiTerroris...